Beloved ones, we need more resourcing Right Now, and our dreams are literally waiting for us to commune with them more intentionally. Our Ancestors, guides and interdimensional teams want to come fully online to support us.
Right. Now.
Because look around: Our work at this Time—as Artists, and Wisdom Keepers, Muses, and Misfits is heavy and deep while it is also joyful and sensual. Our work in these times is so in need of our full resourcing and our deeper and deeper healing so that we can keep weaving the new emerging world through our beautiful personal missions.
Our missions need us to take them more seriously. And our dreams are the key to understanding how to do it.
AWAKE is a portal, a process, and a course to help you become more resourced in all realms, more in touch with your Higher knowing self, your Ancestors, and your B O D Y so that you are charged and ready to be with these challenging days at the end of colonialism and weave the waking world anew with greater Power, clarity, and vision.
Join me for 12 weeks of dreamwork to reconnect you to your true essence, your ancestral gifts and your unique blueprints for liberation Now in your waking life, so that you can continue transforming the waking world with the gifts and the visions that are yours to bring forward.
We need them. And we need you. Fully AWAKE.
Waitlist opens soon.
Beloved ones, we need more resourcing Right Now, and our dreams are literally waiting for us to commune with them more intentionally. Our Ancestors, guides and interdimensional teams want to come fully online to support us.
Right. Now.
Because look around: Our work at this Time—as Artists, and Wisdom Keepers, Muses, and Misfits is heavy and deep while it is also joyful and sensual. Our work in these times is so in need of our full resourcing and our deeper and deeper healing so that we can keep weaving the new emerging world through our beautiful personal missions.
Our missions need us to take them more seriously. And our dreams are the key to understanding how to do it.
AWAKE is a portal, a process, and a course to help you become more resourced in all realms, more in touch with your Higher knowing self, your Ancestors, and your B O D Y so that you are charged and ready to be with these challenging days at the end of colonialism and weave the waking world anew with greater Power, clarity, and vision.
Join me for 12 weeks of dreamwork to reconnect you to your true essence, your ancestral gifts and your unique blueprints for liberation Now in your waking life, so that you can continue transforming the waking world with the gifts and the visions that are yours to bring forward.
We need them. And we need you. Fully AWAKE.
Jillian Walker is a deep river. Said another way, the simpler modes of storytelling & seeing the world—which is to say, the determinations of settler colonial imaginations—cannot contain her. This is among the powers of SKiNFoLK, as well as the unfettered realms of wonder which embody the body of works that are Jillian Walker.
-Philip Howze,
Playwright + Theater Professor, Harvard University
Published by 53rd State Press, Brooklyn, NY.